Hello everyone,
it's been a long, long while since I've posted a blog, some of you may not even know who I am. I'm DieterTheuns (formerly known as test-object) and last year has been quite an eventful one for me. Some of these things I would like to share to this wonderful community! This year
- Starting from May, I managed to post at least 50 drawings on the website.
- As a result, reached over 1k followers, including @Mindchamber who I looked up to a lot back in the old days!
- I took part in the Summer Jam organized by @BrandyBuizel to do some animating outside of work again...
- ...and managed to snag 3rd place! (Congrats to @Awful-Ike and @Stradomyre!)

- I bought and moved into my own house with my amazing and supportive bf <3
- Adopted Sir Archibald the First! (Archie for short)

- Had my username changed, had a virtual exhibit designed specifically for me and managed to make animation for events for some pretty big clients, despite the pandemic.
I am currently finishing up an art collab (which should be posted on the 31st this month!) and will do a lot more drawing soon! Finally, I wanted to thank tons of people;
@samulis and @Naineux for stimulating my ear canals
@sqiddster for helping with anything programming related and visiting all the way from Australia!
@TurkeyOnAStick for continuing to sacrifice himself to ghosts
@Guy-Unger for making aformentioned exhibit and letting me take part in his latest project The Ballad of Bonky

The entire NG Art Forum Regs discord including @SourCherryJack and @linda-mota for being infectuously productive folks, @Luwano, @radiodark, @ornery, @Hyptosis, @bigjonny13, @bazookabonsai. @ImpendingRiot, @Knocturne, @Spags, @ThePsychoSheep, @Peglay, @Template88, @Cairos, @Treasureplanet, @Carrion, @Legolass, @LoboF, @mittensX33 and @Flowers10 (<3 u despite our many NFT debates :P)
@TomFulp for continuing to accomodate ALL of this
...and YOU for halfheartedly skimming through this post!
Have a wonderful 2022, and make sure to draw, animate, program, compose... anything which will make the world a better place for others ;)